About Me

After school I went to Bath University where I managed a biochemistry degree despite spending most of my time in the pub or watching Star Trek.  My first proper job after that was with a Big Drug Company where I helped breed parasitic worms as well as dosing them with radiochemicals.  My subsequent “career” has been entirely in and around the global pharmaceutical industry, in various market research roles, then getting into full-time pharma forecasting in 1999.  In 2002 I was persuaded to leave my US consulting company’s UK office where I was working as a forecast modeller, to work for one of the Big Drug Companies in Basel, Switzerland, as forecast manager.  I’ve stayed with that firm for 22 years now, staying a corporate low flyer.  I have a wife and two adult offspring, both born in Blighty but more Swiss than English and both studying here in Basel.  Like the rest of my family I now have Swiss citizenship which means I can vote and that they can’t boot me out unless I do something really heinous.  It also means that as well as the ridiculous new blue one I have a red passport that lets me travel freely across Europe.  We had a modern house built just outside Basel where we’ve lived since 2007 and I also have a habitable hut in the mountains of Wallis (Valais if you prefer the French) to which I can escape occasionally on one of my several motorcycles.  I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up but maybe I’ll find out when I retire.